balance - 8 minute read

Break The Silence with Barbara Sobel

If you're new here, welcome! In this series, we meet groundbreaking women from the Kindra community who are redefining menopause and reclaiming the power of middle age. This month, we had the pleasure of getting to know our new nutrition advisor, and Clinical Nutritionist. Meet Barbara Sobel.

Barbara Sobel MS, CNS, LDN is an award winning clinical and functional medicine nutritionist and a mind body expert. She specializes in working with women with autoimmune disease, digestive issues, hormone imbalances, and inflammatory conditions who want to feel their best and age gracefully.

Read on to get to know Barbara.

Please introduce yourself in whatever way you see fit.

I specialize in working with women with autoimmune disease, digestive issues, hormone imbalances, and inflammatory conditions who want to feel their best and age gracefully. I became a nutritionist after my own journey with a chronic health issue that left me feeling isolated, alone, and overwhelmed. I use both diet and lifestyle habits to empower my clients to reach their health and wellness goals. My strength lies in partnering with my clients to help them find balance and joy in the their wellness journey.

What is your age and menopause phase?

 57, post-menopause

What is the biggest thing your menopause journey has taught you?

By far the biggest thing my menopause journey has taught me is to listen to my body. If I am not feeling right, it is time to check in with what I am eating and drinking, and how I am sleeping, moving, resting, thinking, and reacting. If I can't find the answers, it is time to ask for help and I have finally realized that that is ok.

If you could give one piece of advice to a younger you, what would it be?

You might think you know what to expect during menopause, but be open to learning about you. Ask questions and get help if you need it. Each of us is different. Learn from others, but know that our experience and needs may be different from our friends and family members. Build your support team, be curious, be willing to shake things up, and share your experiences with other women. No one needs to go through this alone.

Imagine you’re writing your memoirs right now. What would the name of your current chapter be?

Edit, Edit, Edit!

Menopause has helped me up my game. If something is not serving me, I am finding ways to address it to better support my goals, my health, my wellness, my business, my relationships, and my creativity. I find that I am taking a closer look in menopause and rewriting my story.

What is your morning routine?

I like to get up when the house is still quiet, brew a cup of coffee, and pour myself a big glass of warm water. Then I settle down on the couch, mediate, journal, and plan my day. I usually do some stretching and exercise before starting my work day.

What is one piece, person, or practice that relaxes you?

Taking a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. I can feel my body soften every single time I practice taking a deep breath. I love this practice because I have it with me in every situation and wherever I go. One breath might not completely relax me, but it is a start in the right direction.

When you think about the stage of life that you're in, what are you most excited about?

When I hit my late 40's I looked around at my life. I wasn’t passionate about my job anymore and I saw that my kids would soon be leaving the nest. I decided to go back to school and get a masters degree in nutrition and integrative health. My husband was super supportive. When I graduated, I opened my own practice. What this stage of life has given me is the confidence to know I can create something new that I am passionate about and the flexibility to do it.

What do you think is the biggest myth or misconception about menopause?

The biggest misconception about menopause is that menopause is about struggle and loss. Yes -- things are changing and the symptoms can be annoying, and even scary, but when we really listen to our bodies and nourish our bodies, we realize that the move through menopause is both natural and empowering. Half the population is going to go through the menopausal transition and then spend 40% or more of their lives post menopausal. Menopause is real and it is not all struggle and loss. I am excited that we are in a time where are finally getting the conversation about menopause out in the open.

What is your favorite Kindra product and why?

I love The Core Supplement. So often we chase the symptom and try to treat it in isolation, but building a good foundation is the key to addressing the cause of symptoms. One night I am sleeping and the next night I am up at 3:00 am. Anxiety comes and goes. Stress levels go up and down and I feel like I am always looking for my phone. With The Core I feel like I have added a superhero to my support team. It helps bring me back to that more predictable premenopausal place.

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Wanted more information about diet for postmenopausal Women who suffer a trophy vaginitis and pelvic floor issues. As a woman with hemorrhoids it’s difficult to eat proteins without injury to the vagina

— Dawn Serafini

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